walking on custard

Comedy Consulting

Make your public speaking more amusing!

One Track Minds

Neil Hughes is a public speaker and standup comedian, and he can help you make your speech funnier.

Everyone loves laughing. And we all know that humour is the best way to connect with audiences, to get them to retain the information you share... and to even ENJOY yourself while you're speaking in public!

But being funny is hard.

When jokes fall flat, self-doubt creeps in and that can derail your entire presentation. And hey—it happens! But if there was a way to be confident that your next presentation will be more entertaining, wouldn't you want to get on board?

Neil did the nearly impossible: he helped me realize my personal finance workshop could be fun... and funny! He didn't write the jokes for me but instead worked with me to hone my natural sense of humor. It made the process a whole lot more enjoyable and less anxiety-inducing. I was actually excited to give my workshop!
Kristin Wong, author of Get Money

I've been amusing audiences since the early 2000s, when I sang a song about beans to a surprisingly enthusiastic crowd.

Since then I've performed everywhere from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to my local shopping centre.

Now I give comedy talks about anxiety, including this one, which has been seen by over 350,000 people!

And I enjoy helping others be funny too.

I will work with you to:

  • 👉 Embrace your natural sense of humour
  • 👉 Write jokes appropriate to you and your audience
  • 👉 Develop your comedic timing
  • 👉 Identify the different types of humour you can and should use in YOUR presentations
  • 👉 Come up with a strategy to use the right types of jokes at the right time
  • 👉 Create comedy material you can use again and again
A Microphone
Photo by Elliot Sloman on Unsplash
I'd written a keynote that had plenty of funny material in it somewhere, but it really just wasn't coming out like it should. Neil not only helped to sharpen it up, he also did it with exactly the right attitude and style for me to be able to carry it off. His help was exactly what I needed to have confidence that the humour would come across. On the day, the laughs meant that people were really identifying with the situations I'd been in and seeing the funny side. As this talk was about IT, I'd say that's an amazing skill Neil's got!
Angela Lamont
Ask Neil to help you improve your material and skills

Contact neil@walkingoncustard.com or click here to ask for a quote

Tell me a little background about you and what you're looking for, and I'll be in touch with a suggested fee. After that, we'll arrange an online meeting and I'll get to work on your talk material.

© Neil Hughes 2019 — 2025
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